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Radio Suflet Drag-Inceputuri  

Radio Suflet Drag-Beginnings

4.noiembrie.2011 ,de aici a inceput totul.O dorinta,un vis,o speranta,o legatura intre oameni,buna dispozitie,muzica buna,informatii utile,emisiuni diverse,piese de umor,asta am dorit de la acest proiect numit RADIO SUFLET DRAG.

RADIO SUFLET DRAG a fost intotdeauna alaturi de sufletul omului si asta datorita multor oameni care au iubit acest proiect,care a devenit realizabil prin multa munca de echipa si care iata a rezistat pana astazi.Dar minunea nu dureaza mult timp,iar mare parte din echipa s-a retras din diferite motive,dar cei care au iubit acest radio cu adevarat sunt si acum aici pentru a creste acest radio ,acum avand 8 anisori.

In 2019,dupa 8 ani venim cu multe noutati si premiere,una dintre ele fiind posibilitatea de a putea alege direct de pe site ce melodie vrei sa asculti.Alaturi de muzica diversificata,noua,mai putin noua,dar cum ascultatorii stiu, aici se asculta hiturile.


4.November.2011, everything started here. A wish, a dream, a hope, a connection between people, good mood, good music, useful information, various shows, humor pieces, that's what I wanted from this project called RADIO SUFLET DRAG. 

RADIO SUFLET DRAG has always been with the soul of man and this is due to many people who loved this project, which became achievable through a lot of teamwork and that lasted until today. But the miracle does not last long, and most of the team has withdrawn for various reasons, but those who really loved this radio are now here to grow this radio, now having 8 anisors.

 In 2019, after 8 years we come with many news and awards, one of them being the possibility to choose directly from the site which song you want to listen to. Along with diversified music, new, less new, but as listeners know, here is listen to the hits. 

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